Little Girl

Sarah&Josh, Hi5 Stickers, Buckle, GabGab, Mini Waffles

Well, looks like we brought the nice weather back from Florida. The last couple days have been really nice. We took Emma to the park on Sunday and it is amazing the difference in her from the last time we were there in October. Looking at her in the child swing is like looking at a totally new child! She is so much bigger now! She likes to go “High” now too. She met another little girl who was there. Her new friend Sarah is 4 years old and a bit shy. Little newly “bossy” Emma talked to her for awhile then gave her a hug. That broke the ice for Sarah. Emma then grabbed her hand and off they …Read more […..]

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Mommy out of town, Nooooo, Hi-chair?

Whenever Melissa goes out of town I feel a pressure and anxiety that everything is  on me now. Emma is a great little girl and is an angel but whenever I hear her call for Momma when she is not here it breaks my heart. I can usually change the subject or distract her but sometimes at night time she really wants her Momma. I’m sure that this happens often to Dads and even Moms. Am I the only one that hates the fact that my spouse travels out of town? Emma has discovered the word “No.” We are in trouble now….. Today, she was playing with her duckie> and pinkie bear and telling …Read more […..]

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