
The New Face of Fatherhood, Mama’s Home,Helicopter!

I was reading the June issue of PARENTS magazine and came across a very interesting article titled The New Face of Fatherhood It is a great article describing the 21st-century father, a guy who proudly wears spit-up on his shoulder as a battle scar, not an embarrassing stain. The article describes how today’s father is much more involved with the care and activities of his children, especially when compared to the fathers of 30 years ago. Though their numbers are small, more guys than ever are scaling back on work or quitting altogether to help raise a family. The fathers of 30 years ago spent …Read more […..]

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Caged Lion Reappears, Sleep?, High Heels, Why? OK! Peanut Butter!

I have written about the feeling that I sometimes get while being home with Emma. It has nothing to do with Emma and is absolutely all about me. I have called the feeling that of a caged lion. Well, that cat was back last week in a bad way. I am not sure if mothers who stay at home get this feeling. I am not sure if it is because I have always worked, done my own thing, got married at age 35, had freedom, or whatever but I know it is something I have had to deal with the last couple years. This feeling is one that is unsettling to say the least. I feel guilty feeling it because in some way …Read more […..]

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Orlando Trip, Fifi & Lala, Mickey & Minnie! The Witch!

We have been away for a bit on a trip to Orlando, Florida. The primary reason for the trip was for Melissa’s convention. Dada and Emma tagged along, along with Nonnie for assistance. Now, the choice was for Melissa to go on her own with the consequence being Emma not seeing her Mama for a week. With recent experiences of Emma being away from Melissa for 2 or 3 nights and the consequences of such, we decided that Dada and Nonnie would tag along. Daddy was able to re-arrange his schedule and off we went! Emma was able to see her cousin Lala(Lauren) and her auntie FiFi(Krissy). She last saw …Read more […..]

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Sick, Help!!! Mama’s Shoes, Potty Chairs!

For those of you that have regular assistance with the care of your child, count your blessings! Do not take that for granted. For the week following Emma’s birthday party this Stay at Home Dad had the Flu/Walking Pneumonia. Taking care of a 2 year old under these conditions is, well, a monumental challenge, at least for me! For the last two years I wondered what I would do if I got sick and had to take care of Emma. Since I used to get sick every October and March like clockwork this was on my mind during those times of year. Emma’s hemangioma trained us to wash our hands constantly since the …Read more […..]

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The Mall, Pretty, Family & Sacrifice

Today we went to the mall. Emma loves going to the mall to see the water fountains and the decor that hangs from the ceiling. Her newest favorite word is “pretty.” Everything that she likes is pretty and the water fountain is no exception. So are the big butterflies that are hanging from the mall ceiling. Oh, and the Easter Bunny is there too and she went crazy! It started to wave at her and she waved back and started saying, “Emma! Emma!” which meant that she wanted to go by it. I did not dare have her sit on its lap for a picture without Mama being present, however, as Mama had warned …Read more […..]

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Opening Drawers, Sitting High, Hiding, No Baba

Today, actually yesterday, Emma made sounds like she was up at 7:45. I thought she went back to sleep but then heard noises a 1/2 hr later. I went up there and she was sitting next to her dresser with the door open and all her clothes on the floor. LOL Just playing contentedly with her clothes. Our new thing is to go play in the basement. She likes it down there because it is roomy and we have all kinds of lights and things set up for her to look at. For the first time she wanted to sit on one of the bar stools. I couldn’t get her down! She loves saying “high!” when she sits on the high …Read more […..]

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New Word, Guilt, Calling for Mama,Hurry She’s Sleeping!

Today Emma woke up in a good mood. I heard her on the monitor calling for Dada and tried to finish some work for my business. This brings up the fact that even though I stay up late–I really appreciate the quiet time now– I purposely get up early so that I can: first have my coffee and slowly wake up(I am not a morning person) and second: go through the seemingly endless number of emails I get overnight and get business work “finished” before Emma wakes up. Well, she woke up happy as she does most of the time, and proceeded to show me her new sheets that have frogs and flowers. She …Read more […..]

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