New Stay at Home Dads
A nice intro by a fellow Stay at Home Dad. The last sentence says it all! I want to welcome all the dads entering the stay at home dad realm. You are entering the toughest job you will ever love. Because we have a tough economy, more dads are entering the stay at home dad status. I want you dads to know that you are not alone. Keep searching for resources and groups to join. Have fun with your kids because time will go fast. You will look back one day and know that your sacrifice to be there for your kids paid off greater than any paycheck or monetary investment. Vini Nunez Agape Life …Read more […..]
The Mall, Pretty, Family & Sacrifice
Today we went to the mall. Emma loves going to the mall to see the water fountains and the decor that hangs from the ceiling. Her newest favorite word is “pretty.” Everything that she likes is pretty and the water fountain is no exception. So are the big butterflies that are hanging from the mall ceiling. Oh, and the Easter Bunny is there too and she went crazy! It started to wave at her and she waved back and started saying, “Emma! Emma!” which meant that she wanted to go by it. I did not dare have her sit on its lap for a picture without Mama being present, however, as Mama had warned …Read more […..]
My first post…Here goes!
First of all, I would like to dedicate this to my beautiful wife and my precious daughter. Both are the love and joys of my life. Without my wife’s support I don’t think I could have made it this far! 🙂 I would like to say that my experience so far, 21 months, has been filled with many joys and challenges. I have learned that everyone should give credit to all the mothers(& fathers) that have, and continue to make the sacrifice and commitment to their children. I have learned that it is probably the hardest and most challenging job in the world..No kidding! The sacrifices that so …Read more […..]