Facebook Post From Sister Mary

Had to share this–written by my sister Mary! So nice!!!

Mary Manzo Cypser

I’m back with my Dr Phil advice to thank your in laws.
As I said before I am the odd ball of the bunch.

To my sister- in -law Melissa. Thank you for encouraging my brother Ken, giving him that extra nudge to find us. I wish that it had come sooner, realizing all that we missed. You are an awesome wife and mother to Emma, you realize that in this day and age along with working Dads/Ken, mothers must also provide food, clothing and shelter for their children. Though it may seem painful to be separated from Emma, take comfort in the fact that you are also working for her well being. You always seem to keep in mind that these separations are always temporary and when you are away from work you make a conscience effort to truly be away from distractions. By this I mean that you take advantage of nights, weekends and days off as ways to spend quality not just quantity time with Emma, remembering to stay present, be affectionate and really listen to what she has to say. Everything is put aside that is meaningless in life to make it all about her and you never try to compensate your absence by spoiling her or buying her love. Through your hard work you are setting an example for Emma. Take pride in being her role model because you are a good one. She is so fortunate to have such dedicated parents. XOXO

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