Couple Weeks

I Can Open Doors! Having fun with Nonnie!

The little cutie pie can open doors now. The baby monitor no longer warns me that she is stirring as she sometimes gets up in stealth mode. I barely hear anything until I hear her at the top of the stairs–Thank goodness for the gates– yelling “Daddy.” Yesterday morning I woke up and opened my eyes to see her bedroom door opening up. I pretended to still be sleeping when she looked at me, yelled “Dada” and ran to my bedside to wake me up. So cute!!! She likes to show off her new ability to open doors. She will close it so she can re-open it. So proud she is. I am buying a hook latch …Read more […..]

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Mommy out of town, Nooooo, Hi-chair?

Whenever Melissa goes out of town I feel a pressure and anxiety that everything is  on me now. Emma is a great little girl and is an angel but whenever I hear her call for Momma when she is not here it breaks my heart. I can usually change the subject or distract her but sometimes at night time she really wants her Momma. I’m sure that this happens often to Dads and even Moms. Am I the only one that hates the fact that my spouse travels out of town? Emma has discovered the word “No.” We are in trouble now….. Today, she was playing with her duckie> and pinkie bear and telling …Read more […..]

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