Watching Tv

“The Witch” is back again

Over 3 months have went by since Emma saw the witch at Disney World’s live show at the Disney castle. She stopped mentioning the witch about a month ago, seemingly over the trauma and fear that the experienced had caused. Boy, was I wrong! That experience was just hiding underneath the surface waiting for a chance to raise it’s head again! A few days ago, we were all watching TV and playing as I began to surf the channels. I came across a famous movie that most of us grew up with and enjoy. The Wizard of Oz had just started and I didn’t think twice about checking it out. Emma really got into …Read more […..]

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The New Face of Fatherhood, Mama’s Home,Helicopter!

I was reading the June issue of PARENTS magazine and came across a very interesting article titled The New Face of Fatherhood It is a great article describing the 21st-century father, a guy who proudly wears spit-up on his shoulder as a battle scar, not an embarrassing stain. The article describes how today’s father is much more involved with the care and activities of his children, especially when compared to the fathers of 30 years ago. Though their numbers are small, more guys than ever are scaling back on work or quitting altogether to help raise a family. The fathers of 30 years ago spent …Read more […..]

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